
My Love for Disliking Uggs (boots)

I know what you're saying, "Derek, why do you love to dislike Uggs?". It's simple, I just don't like how they look. I definitely don't like them after they've been rained on or when they have been worn out to the point they have creases and you're walking in them with a slant simply because one side of the heel is gone. How about when they are past dirty and you're still sporting them like if they were suppose to be grey instead of white. Now how many of you share the same feeling as you read this? I can't be the only one that has these feelings.... Can I???

Shall we get into what you ladies wear them with that makes no sense??? I'm sorry but from this guys perspective, Uggs worn with shorts/skirts is not a good look. If you're even wearing a skirt or shorts you don't have any reason wearing Uggs to begin with because that means it's no longer cold outside. Wearing them would have your feet sweating (at least I would think) and I'm sure taking them off would be funky. I'll go on a hunch and say I don't even think the lady who first did it (Paris Hilton) actually thought it looked good but I'm sure she got paid good money for it. (I don't know that for sure, but I don't think there's a lot of things she does that doesn't result in a check).

Some Uggs should have never gotten past the drawing board which makes me question the people that approved them to go forward. But then again I'm sure they were like "ahhhh, let's make them, somebody will wear them".

Hey, I understand that they are comfortable, they have to be if you'll still wear them in public and also pay as much as you do for them. I at least give props to the ladies who buy the real thing because they actually have no name brand Uggs (and that's even worse). But if you're going to continue wearing Uggs, may I suggest:

-Not in warm weather
-Keep them clean
-Do not fold the tops of them so the inside shows
-Not when they have permanent creases in them

(None of these are appealing to the eye!)

Before I sign off I'll leave you with a couple of comments from friends (men and women) on the feelings about this subject:

-"they are like giant "in the house" slippers and should not be worn outdoors. I don't own a pair and doubt I ever will. I can seriously find better ways to spend $150 or whatever they cost.. lol"

-"Uggz are already ugly and even worse when folded. When will women stop wearing them? I can't wait till they get played out."

-"UHHHGS is right! People here in the states wear them as if they were high fashion or something; meanwhile in Australia, where they were invented, wear them to take out the garbage and wouldn't be caught dead in polite society with them on. "

-"I think they are the ugliest boot invented in the world. Thick chicks & short chicks should not be wearing them. Spread out cankle Santa clause looking feet. No sexiness whatsoever UGH is perfect for UGG"

-"the best is that down here it's 80 degrees, hot as heck and these girls have on shorts and these winter boots..sweating their feet off...I am sure they stink by the time they remove them! It's nasty:-)"

I hope I haven't offended any of you Uggs supporters. The pictures viewed on this blog is not in anyway to embarrass the person in the pic, but serve as a visual. This is it for now, I'll edit this as time goes on but I felt it was important to get the reason out to why I don't like Uggs. Those that friend me on Facebook know that I have an album called Uuuuughs.... and so this should give more insight to why that exists.

Until next time, feel free to comment, share this with your friends, take a peek at my previous blogs and thanks again for the read.



PUBS Best "Good/Bad Karaoke"


PUBS Best was created to bring you reviews and suggestions of PUBS all around the New York City area. I recently had the idea to do some videos and above is one of the videos I did entitled "Good/Bad Karaoke" basically giving examples of good and not so good karaoke. Feel free to head to the PUB Best channel on You Tube for more videos.

The Mission is to get the word out on good spots to go to on your night out. Giving you everything from the drink specials, look and feel of the place, even give you our suggestion of what we liked most on the food menu.

Feel free to:
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The Full Playlist...

Hey there, this is just a little something I've been working on and want to share with you. I call it "Past-Us Stat-Us" (PUSU), and we are 14 episodes in to this series. PUSU is basically where I take the 10 best statuses that stand out from my news feed on Facebook and share them w/ you. Most of the times there funny, but sometimes they do deliver a message and I usually end w/ a "Tip of the Week".

Everything is done by me w/ the exception of the statuses themselves. I try to make sure all statuses are original and haven't been copied from somewhere else, but other then that this whole production is done by one person and that is me.

Please, feel free to take a look, if you don't have time to see all of them I'd suggest you really start around Episode 10. Thank you and If you do enjoy feel free to also "Like" the Official Facebook Page of Past-Us Stat-Us.

Thank You and see you next time.....